วันศุกร์ที่ 23 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2554

Toys and Games Cat 5 Excellent This does not cost anything!

There are a lot of fun games that you can buy your cat to play with. But what if you could give some really cool cat toys and games that will cost you nothing to do with the items you have in your home? My friend and I have five cats. We learned to be creative. Playing with your cat definitely helps to better connect with them.
Here are 5 cats toys and games that we have discovered over the years that really keep our cats entertained.
1). I call it a "stick and Rug." One of my favorite cat. Take a thin rod about 18 cm long. Each stick Wil do. I like the sticks of plastic cat toys I've used. You know what I mean. sticks with a rope at one end, and something soft and colorful on the chain ... like feathers, a stuffed mouse, or fish a piece of cloth, etc. Just use the stick game.
Then you need a blanket or a rug, to play the game begins to pass the baton under the rug or carpet. The Sound of sticks rubbing the fabric will receive attention for your cat. Also, move the joystick back and forth on the carpet. This awakens your natural instinct to chase cats. They will paw and tries to jump on the stick. Ally, my star just curious, loves to go under the carpet and trying to grab the stick.
2). Most dogs love balls. To make my own, but are not purchased with the financial fun. I call the next cat toys "Bally ball." Take a piece of paper and live in a small notepad ball. Every little piece of paper will do. These balls of paper homemade cat toys great!
Let your cat see and feel the crumpled paper. And 'their attention. Can I have the ball of paper in an area close to him as a chair or table and scroll with your thumb and forefinger. Midnight, my 4 years of smoking, loves to jump and catch the ball of paper and return it.
You can also put a sock and a piece of old paper crumpled inside. Squeeze a bit 'so that the cat can hear the sound of crumpled paper. Take a tour and see if your cat to play with him. You can also tie a knot in the sock with a piece of string. Then drag on the floor and your cat to hunt. If you come into contact with the sock, the tone of the paper will retain their interest.
3). Cats are natural hunters. The next toy / game is a really good practice of hunting for cats indoors and outdoors. You can work any type of plastic bottle, but a 16 oz bottle of 20 ml of water is the best. Make a small round hole on the side of the bottle, about an inch. Then unscrew the top and fill it with dry food.
Start rolling on the floor and begins to dry food from the side of the hole. Your cat will see that when you move the bottle, to be rewarded with food. You can bring your cat's favorite is in the bottle.
4). The rolls of paper towel dispenser and toilet paper rolls to make some fun toys cats really like. I take the empty roll and roll on the floor. My cats love to jump on the role and give a good "whiplash". You can also use a crumpled sheet of paper, cloth or a toy cat and put him in the role. Some cats really like to be turned off.
5). Another toy, some cats really like is a shoe string. The more the better. It 'too short, the label may be some action. You can scratch. Do not use child. It can break easily and your cat to swallow. Pull the chain of shoes on the floor and your cat to hunt. If you want to connect, something at one end of it ... as one of their toys, a piece of crumpled paper, etc.
In addition to the substance totally free, there are many cat toys you buy for almost nothing. For example, many cats like a hand of laser light / laser pen. You can buy a laser light to your local dealer for about three dollars. Use a flashlight if you want. I also want to check out my dollar store on a regular basis, at a cost of cat toys.

