To invent games and toys like everything in life, you must continue, no matter what to have some success with it.
But there are some things you can do to increase your chances, here are some ...
• Use colored models, black (pencil) will decrease the possibilities, even if it is ok for the initial design.
• Develop your ideas as possible. Go to a design and someone else is in a similar idea, but have a game that can be played, as it will reduce more likely.
• Use the foam panels of color when you make a 3D design. You can buy craft products, and are a quick way to show how your idea looks and works, etc.
There are others but these are the most important.
Other points to consider is the same card, you are more likely if your board game invented on a small card that does not need to be folded base. The strongest elements of the game board and cheaper, is, the better your chances of producing.
Other things you can do to toy manufacturers, they ask all the old puzzles, books, board game you might want to look at while you're there, they have.
Most will be happy, you can look and new ideas for them. I got the idea to do the puzzle successfully, so it's worth asking.
You should look at their products, you can sometimes have thoughts of their products or ideas of success from a change in their products. You can also use the product without them from time to time, but it is likely that the study will lend you one of their products, and play some games incorporate elements in their ideas.
I've been at this for 7 years, and we believe more or less inventing the best place to stay in the game to Brett.
Why do I hear you ask, because ...
• Do not take more time, such as puzzles and games, which usually pay nearly 10 times less to develop.
• You can be the type sold five years to go 3-5. What could be an income long life.
• In my opinion, (board game) can give the best chance of a fortune, because of the popularity. Pictionary just Google to see the potential.